This is a very important question. Yes, it is sufficient for you if you prefer to study for NEET Exam by NCERT but only when you know about the importance of each chapter you are studying. 

All the 3 parts are equally important, though biology has a larger weightage. If you just want to crack the exam, then it would be wise to concentrate more on Biology. However, if you are aiming at higher marks or top ranks then you must perform well in all three subjects.

NCERT, your Bible, your Gita, your Quran. To wash away all your sins, you just need to remember each line of the holy book

I would like to draw your attention to the biology textbook. Believe me, if you read and remember it by heart, you are gonna be among the acers with a very good rank. There is a must reading of ncert bio, every day. you may take 1 to 3 hours each day per chapter depending upon your reading and grasping capability. It clears your concepts or basics. So repetition is the key. In the end, it may follow some MCQs practice to boost you up and lock your knowledge.

Coming to chemistry ncert, the inorganic ncert must be dealt with the same way as you dealt with biology ncert, just looking into the data and making its order. The data in the tables are very favorite questions for the framers. Specific facts that you tend to forget must be precisely noted down in a particularly devoted notebook. In the case of organic, you must remember all the reactions and reagents given in the book, it must be your first priority. Name reactions given in the book must be learnt and understood by heart. Reaction mechanism forms a major portion of trickiest questions ever asked. Know them with logic by heart. Prepare the conversions given in the exercise at the end of each chapter for some brainstorming and in-depth knowledge of the popular questions. The facts that are not highlighted yet important must be read and remembered. In case of physical chemistry, try reading chapters like surface chemistry and states of matter. For questions, you can follow examples. 

In physics chapters like em waves must be read and understood properly. For practicing of good questions, do it back exercise and extra exercise too. One question from Ray optics in boards was directly based on that concept.

Ncert 12th textbooks are the most commonly recommended books for the part of biology (especially, zoology). However, it is important to note that 11th textbooks cover a wide range of topics and hence the chances of getting MCQs from that part are huge. Moreover, Physics syllabus for NEET mostly includes topics from ncert 11th textbooks.

NCERT textbooks are easily available both online as well as offline platforms. But I would recommend learning them offline. 

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