How should I prepare for the NEET? The Ultimate Right way to prepare

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!

All of us at some point, have heard this but we fail to implement it correctly.

This answer is aimed at budding a basic thought process in your mind based on my experience.


The paper level of NEET can be categorized as:

If you are aiming at getting a seat in a decent government medical college, 80% marks will be more than sufficient.

Make sure you focus on bettering yourselves in the 80% zone rather than running behind the 20%.

The syllabus for NEET is categorized below-

We have a total of 105 topics to be done.

A basic plan of how this can be done is present in the word NEET itself! :-)

N-New topic in hand

E- Expertise in it

E- Evaluate yourself

T- Take up another topic

This basically means:

Step1- New Topic in Hand

Whenever you begin with a topic, keep the following things in mind.

Well begun is half done!

1) Assemble all the resources you have at a single place.

2) Caution- Try to keep this minimum and stick to a single source to avoid confusion and save time.

3) My recommendations

  • Allen/Akash notes of all the three subjects.
  • Physics & Chemistry: Arihant, MTG, Errorless
  • Biology: NCERT will help you sail till 320-330. (This will be more than enough)

4) Once you are done with this, decide on the time you'll need to complete the chapter.

Time makes the difference in who wins the race.

Once you've done this, the grind begins.

Step 2- Expertise in it

This step will give you the basic blueprint of how a topic should be done.

Once you have assembled the resources, try studying a topic in 3 parts. You'll thank me for this later.

  • (A)Read the theory from a textbook.

This forms your basic understanding of the chapter.

My recommendations:

Chemistry & Biology- NCERT

Physics- Your class notes because NCERT is a bit time consuming, and the gains are relatively same!

  • (B) Read the synopsis of the topic from a review book

This will give the necessary MCQ angle to your study.

Refer step 1, point 3 for this.

  • (C) Solve MCQs sincerely

Once you are done with reading the theory and the synopsis, which will not take more than 2-4 hours, then comes the most important step.

  • Since NEET is essentially an MCQ exam, this is the core.
  • Solve MCQs as much as possible. This will improve both your solving skills and speed.

Following this grind will give you some advantages-

  • If you do all the three steps in a go, your brain will be reading the same concepts again and again and it will be stored in your long-term memory.
  • You will not require frequent revisions for the topic.
  • A lookback once every month/ two month will be sufficient!
  • You will gain much confidence and your scores will start improving.


  • Once you are done with a topic, evaluate yourself as to which areas of the topic you find yourself lagging behind.
  • Keep 1 hour every Saturday and Sunday reserved to lookback into these topics.
  • Also, evaluate YOURSELF not by marks in your tests but by the amount of perfection you have gained!


Repeat the grind again! ;-)


When you read a chapter, prepare notes if comfortable or mark in the important points.

Also mark 2 types of MCQs:

1) Silly mistakes

2) The ones you did not know the concepts about.

This will ensure a complete topic revision at the end.

This was a basic blueprint of how you can prepare for the NEET and clear it in first attempt.

There will be hard times, there will be good times!

Consistency will be the key! 🙌

One Day or Day One, You decide! 💥

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